Shars 17-48 CNC DA Wedge Quick Change Tool Post Set 250-555 + Certificate

Shars 17-48 CNC DA Wedge Quick Change Tool Post Set 250-555 + Certificate New. Interchangeable with Dorian Aloris & Phase II Series. QUICK CHANGE TOOL POST CATEGORY. Quick Change Tool Post Sets. QUICK CHANGE TOOL POST SERIES. QUICK CHANGE TOOL POST TYPE. The cut-off tool holder that mounts the blade at a 4 degree angle. It needs 0.75 clearance from the top of the compound to the center line of the lathe chuck because of the angled cut off blade. Wedge type tool posts are precisely engineered to assure repetitive accuracy. Advanced design provides built-in quick tool changing versatility with positive rigidity to meet the most exacting working tolerances. Can be quickly and easily installed on an engine, bench or turret lathe for a wide range of operations, from precise work to heavy duty cutting. Please double check your dovetail dimensions. Heavy Duty Boring Bar Holder #4 Type 504 DA. Turning and Facing Holder #1 Type 501 DA. Boring Turning and Facing Holder #2 Type 502 DA. Quick Changing Tool Post Wedge Type 555 DA.